terça-feira, 19 de abril de 2011

O Último Negócio

Certa manhã
ia eu pelo caminho pedregoso,
quando, de espada desembainhada,
chegou o Rei no seu carro.
— Vendo-me!
O Rei tomou-me pela mão e disse:
— Sou poderoso, posso comprar-te.
Mas de nada lhe serviu o seu poder
e voltou sem mim no seu carro.

As casas estavam fechadas
ao sol do meio dia,
e eu vagueava pelo beco tortuoso
quando um velho
com um saco de oiro às costas
me saiu ao encontro.
Hesitou um momento, e disse:
— Posso comprar-te.
Uma a uma contou as suas moedas.
Mas eu voltei-lhe as costas
e fui-me embora.

Anoitecia e a sebe do jardim
estava toda florida.
Uma gentil rapariga
apareceu diante de mim, e disse:
— Compro-te com o meu sorriso.
Mas o sorriso empalideceu
e apagou-se nas suas lágrimas.
E regressou outra vez à sombra,

O sol faiscava na areia
e as ondas do mar
quebravam-se caprichosamente.
Um menino estava sentado na praia
brincando com as conchas.
Levantou a cabeça
e, como se me conhecesse, disse:
— Posso comprar-te com nada.
Desde que fiz este negócio a brincar,
sou livre.

Rabindranath Tagore

segunda-feira, 18 de abril de 2011

The essencial art of being

Feel yourself from inside
Wait and let your body express
You will feel a subtle energy growing
That energy grow from the essential

That essential it’s the centre of yourself
Be there and you will see clearly
You will see with the eyes of your soul
You will feel more then people or skins

You will die for the big journey
The great journey for the unknown
The big feeling for the meaning of life
You will die to reborn again

The meaning of life is when you stay still
When you pulse with all existence
When you are quiet and talk
When you close your eyes and see

Taste the atmosphere
Listen your interior
It’s screaming loud
Lie down and feel it in silence

There are all the answers
There are no more questions
You are the medicine of yourself
You are fragrance in love

quinta-feira, 14 de abril de 2011

Silence - Existence and Love

Be quiet and feel yourself
Feel the blood inside your veins
Don’t speak, words are not necessary
You speak with your body
And when you are total you speak with your soul

I believe in you, in your expression
I believe in your shining light
Because I believe in existence
You are part of that
So don’t practice just be

Practice what is not meant to be practiced
Swim in the subtle
Smile at your fears
They exist because you are not at home

Now you are aware
You are at home
You love, smile and cry
You feel but you see it from the outside
You are in the top of the mountain

You are the master of yourself
Learning from the new
Drinking the fresh water
Loving the precious and delicious love
Living the real and dangerous life

You embrace the existence into your arms
So keep your soul burning
And make your journey bright and pure
That it will keep returning
Always and evermore
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